Friday, March 26, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clone War's: and a test of my bones like facial reconstruction using rice crispie treats, marzipan and fondant....yellow cake with chocolate ganache for thr top tier, moist chocolate with swiss meringue for the bottom tier....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What does every Barbie Princess need?.....heels, cake and a purse.
Yellow cake, swiis meringue strawberry filling.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Unicorn cake for a friend....triple layer, chocolate and vanilla, swiss chcoclate butter cream, vanilla fondant....I got a piece and it tasted's nice to actually be able to taste them once in a while.
The 3d head was a great thing to be able to mae....rice crispies and marzipand then a fondant layer....I used shimmer to make it day id like someone to ask me to make a whole horse...I would love to do that.

What a mixture...I have found a new chocolate cake delicious but extremely solid and is just like a fudge being so rich you can only eat a for this I layers two chocolate and one yellow to make it a little lighter..Chris wanted peanut it was a three layer chocolate and vanilla cake with butter cream peanut filloing and swiss meringue choclate buttercream frosting!!!! thats a whole lot of flavours. I was assured it tasted fantastic.
A new option...a cake was amazing...we used it for Jessica's birthday cake on Thanksgiving and it was a big hit with the kids. You can see Joey enthralled in the back ground :)

Cars...a mixture of painting and modelling....Lightening was a little long in the body....hey you live and learn......

A close up of the fondant topper for this cake.....the cake was Yellow with swiss merigue bettercream which I flavoured with real strawberries...the fondant was also flavoured with smelt good. A cute cake, but its delicate, to keep it fresh it needs to be kept in a cool place till cutting time.

This little chap is Nibbler from he may not be pretty but I am proud of him.
I carve this body to the correct shape...his head is rice crispie treats with marzipan and fondant over the arms and legs aree gum apart fro the internal wores and dowel to keep it all up, he is 100 percent edible. Even his little marshmellow third eye. So as I say, not my prettiest cake, but it was great as a practice in model work. He was a good challenge to make.